Reply To: The past of Jenna – Conception and birth

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Visions of the Past The past of Jenna – Conception and birth Reply To: The past of Jenna – Conception and birth

Kat Aclysm

Zack: *makes a low groaning noise in protest as he moves his limbs in a feeble effort to stand. His back aches and pain screams up his spine, causing him to just lie there and continue trying to recover for a longer period of time. He hears a distant noise that is progressively coming closer, like solid hooves thundering on the dry ground. When he finally does manage to sit up, he hears the voice of a female and slowly glances up at her, rubbing the back of his head* “Yes, it would seem I did have a nasty fall… It felt more like I was being sucked out of the sky however.”