Reply To: The past of your main muse Sephy

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Visions of the Past The past of your main muse Sephy Reply To: The past of your main muse Sephy

Kat Aclysm

Hojo: *smirks victoriously and heads for the stairs to the roof* Thank you for your authorization, President Shinra. I will do everything in my power to insure that the stupid little brat is returned to where he belongs. Send up a pilot crew. I’ll be waiting on the roof. *gives Scarlet a rather smug look before he runs up the stairs to the roof, looking around for an appropriate helicopter. When he finds one he likes, he stands nearby and waits for the crew*

Sephiroth: *mumbles in his sleep and curls up. He seems rather unhappy in his dreams and whimpers occaisonally*