Reply To: The past of your main muse Sephy

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Visions of the Past The past of your main muse Sephy Reply To: The past of your main muse Sephy

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *shrinks back as he realizes Jenna found no humor in being smacked with a pillow* Sorry… it was just for fun. I’m sorry if I hurt you. *puts the pillow down and fumbles with the corner of it, seeming a little nervous*

Hojo: *stares in wonderment at the video footage featuring interaction between Jenna and Sephiroth. He seems amazed as Jenna exposes her wings to the camera and gives Sephy his own wing* That is incredible… *he loudly hisses as he is interrupted by the technician* The feathers are melting? Put them in formaldehye, then! *growls* Or any other preserving solution you can think of. We must keep some for archiving purposes, they are very important to this project. Understand??