Reply To: The past of your main muse Sephy

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Visions of the Past The past of your main muse Sephy Reply To: The past of your main muse Sephy

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *frowns as Jenna mentions she didn’t use materia, and that she’s a sorceress* Are you an ancient? *watches Jenna with interest as she puts him down and peeks out the door. He yelps slightly as she grabs his wrist and he quickly follows after her* Anywhere is safer than here…

Hojo: *loudly snarls and coughs, still recovering from being choked* No, you idiot!! That stupid woman took him and has stolen him! Alert security at once, do not let anybody leave the building!