Reply To: The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth

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Noemi: *deeply sighs and shakes her head* I see… They must not want you running all around the place while you’re healing. *moves over to grip onto Sephy’s arm then tries to lead him back to his bed* Just forget about the fact that their is no barrier for now, Sephiroth. It won’t do you much good as it is.

Kerash: Exactly. The man was a nusance and a murderer. He will be getting his just deserts soon enough. *returns her attention to the read-outs* Hmm.. Read the data from the boy’s brain and assess how much he is physically attracted to the girl. If we are to have further hybrided children produced by those two, we must insure that they are attracted to each other. Make the implants spur on the production of whatever hormones are necessary to make this happen in both of them. Is that understood?