Reply To: The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Noemiverse The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth Reply To: The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth

Kat Aclysm

Hojo: *growls and turns most of the paperwork off Kerash’s desk, strewning it across the floor in utter dissarray in his rage. He storms back into the laboratory area and grabs a surgical knife out from one of the drawers, then runs towards Noemi in large strides, yelling* Get off my experiment, you little wench!

Sephiroth: *continues to struggle for all he is worth under Noemi, then reaches out to smack her in the face with his open palms once again* I don’t want you! Stop it now! *loudly whimpers and turns his head away from her, desperately reaching out for the doorway* I want to get away!!