Reply To: The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Noemiverse The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth Reply To: The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *”Except for the fact that it’s bright blue with red dots all over it. You can’t tell me it’s a human, Noemi. They told me all about what it had done before in the past to entire civilizations before they managed to catch it. I just hope I do not turn into that too.”*

Hojo: There’s cameras everywhere in here, and Hiraldo heard you. *turns back to face the silent security guard* Didn’t you, Hiraldo? *smirks as the man makes absolutely no indication that he is listening, or cares* My word is as good as anybody else’s, stupid erratic creature. *heads back into his own office*