Reply To: The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Noemiverse The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth Reply To: The past of Noemi and General Sephiroth

Kat Aclysm


Sephiroth: *chuckles to himself* *”Essays about essays. That is really unproductive. We’re not even going to use the skill, because we’re going to be in a war. I don’t think knowing how to write is going to help when there’s a giant dragon bearing down on your ship with it’s talons.”*

Hojo: What? *glares at the authorization papers* Who allowed this?! *snarls* The boy should not be allowed to interact with others! Minimal contact is an absolute priority, otheriwse he’s going to learn some of their bad habits and pick them up. If they tell him that he’s better than they are, he’ll get even more arrogant and cocky. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen! *snarls and gets to his feet to look up the reference code number on the authorization papers*