Reply To: How to raise a Sephiroth

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Jennah’s children How to raise a Sephiroth Reply To: How to raise a Sephiroth


Not long before Seph passes the half-way point on his trip back upstairs, he’d encounter a very tall, red scaled, half-dragon being. Or at the very least what appears from the outside to be a half-dragon. The creature looks down at him for a moment, its eyes cold and emotionless as it studies him, the only movement coming from its chest and the methodicly timed swishing of its tail.

The only sounds that would come from the creature is a soft breathing sound, though it would seem a bit off from what one would expect breathing to sound like, almost as if there were fans and chambers working instead of lungs. Also, there’d be a very faint mechanical hiss and squeak that’d appear from time to time. Aside from those flaws sounds, the creature before Seph would look completely genuine.