Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: Icicle Inn Vacation

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: Icicle Inn Vacation Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: Icicle Inn Vacation

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *mutters* I understand… I will go looking for a pair of boots that will fit your tread, but I seriously doubt this town will have anything in your size and foot shape… *heads out of the dressing room once again*

Aeris: *her eyes glow slightly as she lowers her head, backing away from him, her rump high in the air, her tail swishing in aggitation. She continues to keep her lips curled back in a snarl, then makes an attempt to roar at him, the noise sounding more like she has a croup cough due to the fact her throat isn’t deep enough for the noise yet. She lowers her head down and bares her stubby horns forward to issue a challenge to fight, but does not look like she is going to move forward and follow up on it any time soon*