Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: Icicle Inn Vacation

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Oh, he’s just a repeat offender in my books.. Best I not get into details.

Jenna: *frowns* You can go out on the slopes on your own if you want… Or I’ll manipulate you to make you properly cast spells to get the materials you want.. Whichever way you want. *shrugs* If you want me to ski, though, it’s going to take a lot of work in manipulating the skis themselves as well. *looks up at the ceiling, wondering if this is all worth the effort and simply sighs*

Xelong: ~Yea, but your usefulness on that end will probably taper off soon… There’s humans from Earth visiting now and showing the humans here how to do things, and there’s the ones from that space ship… Both are all over the news quite frequently. Anyway, I’d feel more more comfortable here than in a confined hospital with smelly, diseased people.~