Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: Icicle Inn Vacation

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: Icicle Inn Vacation Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: Icicle Inn Vacation

Kat Aclysm

Aeris: *”Any living thing can speak with the planet. It’s not hard, you just need focus.”* *grins* *”You can do it. But whether or not the planet will listen, well that is another story.”*

Zack: *carries a screaming and upset Meirnden with him down the stairs, heading outside to his plane*

Sephiroth: Get bigger boots and allow the top part to bend with your leg, then… *frowns and lightly grasps the boot, trying to help Jenna pull it off*