Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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Jenna: *absently responds to Zach* Yea, sure, do whatever you need to, boy… *frowns at Aeris’s words. She then quickly moves out from behind Sephiroth and shoves Aeris to the side* Alright, we’re definitely not going to do this one the normal way. *shakes her head. She then glances at Seph’s stomach* Well… you’ll die, but that’s not overly important. I’m sorry Seph. *she then pulls out a knife from her boot. Soon enough, she begins to cut into Seph’s abdomen, being careful not to cut deep enough to harm the child*

Desiree: *hands Seres off to Zach. Then, she rushes into the bathing room. She then begins to gather up towels. Soon enough, she moves to the side of the hot springs and dips at least one wash cloth in the water so that it’d become moist*