Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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Jenna: *keeps her foot steps smooth and steady, wanting to give Seph a smooth ride. Once she reaches the lower level, she gently sets Sephiroth down on the bed. Soon after, she returns to her true form then heads up to the kitchen to get Seph some food and liquids that will be kept at the bedside*

*During the next six months, Jenna continues to tend to Seph’s needs. She regularly departs for the human cities, gathering pre-made food for both Seph and the children. On several occaccions, she simply decides to buy pizzas since she’s determined that the children fight the least when given four to five large pizzas to attack.

Furthermore, Jenna tries to keep by Seph’s side at all times. Unless forcibly deterred by Seph, she tries to keep the other female close company. She’d also regularly visit Hojo, bringing Seph along when needed, in order to determine that all is going as it should.

Meanwhile, someone else chooses to abuse Seph’s less lucid moments. Desiree, who had been practicing illusion spells for the last few years, would regularly approach Sephiroth when Jenna is gone. She’d cast illusions at these times, trying to trick Seph into believing that Jenna is with Sephiroth and not Desiree. However, Desiree can’t hold these illusions for long, so these events tend to only last a few minutes at a time*

Jenna: *returns to the bedroom after spending a bit over an hour at a human city. She is carrying several boxes of pizza once more, not really having been able to think of much more to get. Once at the lowest level, she sets the pizza boxes on a table then calls out* All right, you all can eat.