Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

Kat Aclysm

Hojo: So shut up and let me do this already. *snarls and turns on the scanner again, pushing the scanning part of the device back up to Sephiroth’s head* Lay flat or this won’t work. *moves back to the controls and turns the device on, resuming the full-body scan from the beginning*

Sephiroth: *stays quite still on the table, mostly because Jenna has willed her to be there. However, when the scan starts again, she grits her teeth hard in pain, tensing up, not liking the scanning at all as the scanning beams pass through her head*