Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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Kat Aclysm

Zach: *rubs his eyes, adjusting to the light. He shakes his head as he comes back to reality, having been engrossed in the film. A broad grin comes over his face and he moves out of his chair, stretching* It was fucking fantastic! Did you see the way those things attacked? And those larva forms, they’re freaky… I hope I never run into one of those.. *shudders slightly* It’s damn effective for a parasitical organism though. *scratches his head* Yeah… your father probably did know some tough people when he was in the war. If that stuff really happened and he wasn’t making up stories. I just can’t see him as a warrior. He’s always been rather lazy and hopeless.

Sephiroth: Mmm… *curls up properly once more and continues to purr*