Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

Kat Aclysm

Hojo: There could be any number of reasons. Perhaps pregnancy – the body will kill anything foreign, including the infants themselves sometimes. I can’t explain the reason for the headaches. I would have to do a brain scan for that. And I don’t have Sephiroth’s old scans to compare them to, so they would be somewhat useless. *scowls* I would definitely look into treating psychological trauma though. If she comes towards the end of her power… *loudly snorts* A living organism that feels it no longer has any reason to live, reaches in the end, a point where it’s remaining energies may actually be directed towards dying.

Sephiroth: *keeps her head down* *”Please, leave me alone…”*