Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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Kat Aclysm

Hojo: *growls* I know Sephiroth is a woman. I was talking about past incidences, when she, was a he. And he exhibited behaviour such as that when suffering from a complete lack of stimuli. Are you deaf, woman? *shakes his head, then moves over to Sephiroth and sharply slaps her across the face* Stop being so stupid!

Sephiroth: *stares blankly up at Jenna when her arm is gripped, standing up not long after. She instantly cowers when slapped, covering her head with her hands* Get away from me before I use my mind to imagine you away completely!! *growls* I can do that you know… All I need do is think about it and you’re gone… *snarls* Did you ever think about that? That puts me at an advantage…

Zach: I’d better, or this is going on your permanent record. *begins to write with an imaginary pen in the air, grinning* Today’s date, written. *grins and writes underneath it* Discredit to Desiree on the permanent record, as she chose a sucky movie. Thus, no further permissions will be given to her to choose out a movie. *grins at her again* And that’s what I’ll write.