Reply To: In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate Reply To: In the beginning, we were separate


Seferia: ~That is only because my thoughts are much clearer and organized than yours. Emotions such as anger, fear, and so on do not affect my species such as yours. Still, I want you to pay attention to what I am showing you. Stop yelling at me.~ *meanwhile, the illusion that she’s showing him comes to life once more. The female stumbles back, clearly afraid as Clawina advances. It would seem that Clawina has the upper hand.

However, that soon changes as the female starts going “yes, I agree” to apparently no one. Soon after, she begins enveloped by a black cocoon like substance. Meanwhile, Clawina scowls at the development and stabs at it with her sword, intending to rid herself of the female*