Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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Jenna: *Hisses in irritation at Seph’s words* You should know by now that I won’t ever give you the same treatment as that bitch. *her mood doesn’t improve any more as Seph mentions her needing medical attention* What makes you so certain that I- *stops suddenly as she begins to cough again, bringing up another small bit of blood*

*If Sephiroth were to scan the rest of her body, he’d find a lot of small internal quirks about her make that are definitely not found on a normal human. For instance, her digestive track has a few extra sections that help her in digesting raw food, which normal humans have problems metabolizing, and efficently taking as much nurishment from food as possible, which helps her to not eat for days without reprocussions. There are also other minor details that can be found in her organs that reveal the fact that she is a hybrid and not quite human.

Also, there is another element about her internal makings that might stick out. Due to the massive magical energy that she prefers to keep in contact with in order to constantly be prepared for for a battle or the like, her internal temperature is quite high. Her entire body is slowly failing at a much faster rate than it should be, but it would still take years for the powers to rip apart her tissues to the point that she wouldn’t be able to remain alive.*