Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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Jenna: Hrmph, I was just teasing you, Seph. *moves about him so that she can lather up his chest* I do not honestly care what you were doing or why it was taking so long. *shrugs then snorts at his next topic* Yes, the pink bitch… She keeps on shooting me dirty looks. Are you certain that I cannot hurt her? I can think of several things that would hurt as bad as dying without killing her. It’ll teach her a lesson at the least.

Kooril: Only eighty years? Man, that sucks. We elverfolk are called such since humans think we last forever. Our lifespans can reach over five hundreds years of age. Some of the greatest elders are nearing a thousand years old. *shakes her head* I can’t even fathom what that’d be like. I mean, I’m only 37 years old..