Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *sighs in irritation* Your comments about how long I spend in the bathroom did not help much. I have a perfectly good reason for taking the amount of time that I did. However, I do not wish to discuss that as it is my own business. *grunts* I am also annoyed at the Cetra. I have been thinking about her recent behaviour. Some people would call her current behaviour ‘stalking’, I believe.

Aeris: *slowly nods her head at the girl* Cetra only live for about sixty to eighty years, about the average lifespan of a human. But the elders are pretty much the same way. They’re dead now though, and their souls are in the planet. But they still spend a lot of time arguing over what and what shouldn’t be done. It’s really frustrating, repeditive, and really boring too.