Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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Jenna: *continues to shutter and mutter for another moment. However, after a moment of him rubbing the side of her face, she slowly moves her right hand up to his neck, seeming to be still asleep. Her hand hovers there for a moment before she presses the claws up against his throat* Tormentor… Dare to defile… Split and pain.. I’ll never forget.. never forgive..

Kooril: *grins as she waltzes into the room and then shakes her head* Oh, nothing. It’s just boring around and I wanted someone to talk to. You seem to be a fun gal, so can I hang out with you today? Everyone at my village is getting ready for this festival and it’s all: decorate this, plan that, prepare this, and so on. Not really fun.