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Seferia: ~No, Sephiroth, it is not a violation. It is solely the natural way of things. If not you, then I would have another suitor who would attempt this.~ *opens her eyes to watch him then slowly nods* ~Go ahead.~

*Groans and pants as she and Sephiroth spend the rest of the night in the activity of mating. For the most part, she allows him to be on top of her, determining that it’s best to have the weaker member be on top. Not to mention, her instincts are wired to be more submissive to the male once the actual act is occurring. After a few hours, she closes her eyes and pants as she simply lies there. She might still have enough stamina to go again, but her old injuries are aching and she’s more than willing to let Sephiroth to rest. However, she has not broken the bridge to his mind*