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Seferia: ~I must admit that I do not know how you made him change shape. I know how I change shape, but that is magic. You have no skill in that area, so I highly doubt you cast any sort of spell to make him change.~ *finally nears Seph’s tent, though the distance she had to travel seems to have caused her a bit of discomfort. Still, this point would only be noticible by the frown on her lips* Go in and check on your friend, Sephiroth. I do not think there will be much I can do for you.

Zack: *Doesn’t quite notice Sephy looking in on him quite yet, since his back is to the opening. He once again tries to call out for “Sephy”; however, it once again comes out as a series of wolfy growls. He then shakes his head and tries to stand up again. It takes him a few minutes to figure out his new balance since he’s not used to being a quadruped. So, he stumbles around for a bit as he stabilizes*