Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: Phase Two

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Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *”We need to get her out of here, then. I don’t need her around, and I suppose you don’t either. Unless you would rather she keep you company as well, I don’t really know of your intentions there.”* *shrugs* *”Oh, wait…”* *pauses* *”I think I can sense her now.”* *moves on ahead, springing into the air, soon flying towards the edge of the island. He lands down again after he senses Aeris’s signal more strongly, then heads onto the beach, grunting out to Aeris as he sees her* What are you doing here?

Aeris: *looks back at Sephy, seeming very happy to see him* I thought you left me behind! I uh… *gets to her feet, dusting the sand off herself* I like the beach.