Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: Phase Two

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Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *just simply stays back out of the way as he watches Jenna’s corpse catch fire, and set fire to the tree along with it. He raises an eyebrow as he watches the pile of ashes, half expecting her to rise from them again to attack her. When nothing happens immediately, he turns his attention to Aeris and grunts* It’s over. See you later, I’m out of here. *springs into the air and flies away high into the air, intending to leave the island, soon a speck in the sky*

Aeris: Where, are you going, Sephy? *yelps* Come back!! *watches him fly off, then whimpers and turns her attention to Jenna’s ashes* Oh, man… I don’t want to be stuck here. *looks around, feeling lost and suddenly very alone*