Reply To: The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: Phase Two

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Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *frowns as he is made aware of Jenna’s situation when her heat seeps through his clothing. He scowls as they are teleported to the large open field and he grunts, setting Jenna down, not recognising the area at all* Stay here with her. *jumps into the air to rise higher and get a better view of his surroundings*

Aeris: Pardon me? *sighs and crouches down next to Jenna’s body as Sephy ‘leaves’ through the treetops, and moves to lay her on her side* I don’t know why you interferred with my Sephy, but after all this mess is over, we’re going back home…

Sephiroth: *lands again, then silently picks up Jenna’s body, carrying it off with him towards the cliff face where Jenna’s base is hiding in*