Reply To: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Noemiverse Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too. Reply To: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.


Noemi: *rolls her eyes at Sephiroth’s question then leans over the sink to spit out the suds from her mouth* ~Of course I have classes this morning, Sephiroth. I have just as many classes as you do, and perhaps even more since I have been given a bit extra due to being the among the top of my class.~ *rinses out her mouth then steps aside. She grabs a hair brush and begins to neaten out her short, straight hair* Not to mention, the mess hall only opens for a short bit for anyone who wants breakfast. If you miss out, you’re out of luck.