Reply To: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Noemiverse Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too. Reply To: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *frowns at the tight hug and yelps slightly* Ack, you’re going to break a rib or something. *sighs and slowly shakes his head, grinning again* Feh, a Grecian God doesn’t have a bit of pudge on their belly. *pinches his belly area* Look at this flab. No wonder I need to workout at the gym. If I start now, I’ll be really buff and strong by the time I’m 16. *smirks* Like, strong and sexy like one of those cover models in those magazines I always find in the lounges. Women must get really lonely if they have to look at those. *chuckles*