Reply To: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Noemiverse Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too. Reply To: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth:*”Ignore their jabs?! They’re insulting us, Noemi! We’re not freaks either, we’ve been biologically manufactured by the damn alliance that supports them to save everyone from the dragons!”* *immediately sits up tall and begins to growl, glaring hard at the male upperclassman* You think I’m a pipsqueak? Do you want to take this conversation outside? *narrows his eyes* I’ll show you how much of a ‘pipsqueak’ I am.