Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Jenna: *frowns at Seph* ~You’re not telling me that you believe that story, are you? How could he had possibly known that the girl he saw being born is me..?~ *her frown deepens and she turns her head to look at the floor. It would become clear that Jenna is sulking in a manner, just not trying to make it very visible*

Seres: Well, I might not come back to live here, no. I’ll still be around and will visit from time to time. Don’t worry. *moves up behind Leo and gives him a hug* I won’t desert my family like Desiree and Cancer did.

Xelong: ~A kiss on the cheek? I don’t understand? Why would you do something like that on the cheek.. Is there something I’m missing concerning this topic?~ *Shakes his head then glances up at Seph and grins* ~Thank you for assisting her.~ *nudges Aeris, trying to get her to move to the food*