Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Kat Aclysm

Zack: I tried to retrieve the child from the river, but I was too late… too many crocodiles and stuff in the water. The dragon’s sister said she was safe thoguh, and she got her somewhere safe. *shrugs* She got rid of her because she declared her to be a spawn of the devil or something…

Sephiroth: *just opens the door and moves to stand inside the doorway. He doesn’t say anything for the time being and slightly raises his eyebrows in a curious manner*

Leo: *seems content now that there’s no competition from Orion and plucks up an apple to bite into* Mmmmrnnrmm…. *glances up at Seres* *”If I win, it good. Brother stop then.”*

Seph: *”Jennah is not my biological mother, but she has taken it upon herself to take on that role. Which makes her very special. A biological mother raises a child out of obligation, but an adoptive mother does it because they want to.”* *there is a high pitched squealing noise as Seph slays the pig in the bushes* *”Who is this kill for? I want to eat the liver if it’s for that dragon. I’ll take it as payment for doing her hunting.”*

Aeris: *opens her eye to look forwards at him* *”Humans don’t do that, silly.”*