Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story – Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *grunts and crouches down nearby Cael’s bed, making it properly again* Well, come on, climb back in. *pats the bed area* If you want to sleep for the rest of the morning and all day, that’s your decision. Just be aware nobody else will stay awake with you at night.

Aeris: *”Yes, Xelong. I’ve not even been gone five minutes, you’re worried about me?”*

Zack: Well, kinda… not really. Hugging is just the more done thing over rubbing.

Iris: *sniffles, trying to pull her arm away a bit* I don’t want to talk about it…