Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Jenna: Hrmph.. *smirks at Seph* ~I’m not that easy to tame, Seph. You should know that full well by now.~ *she pats Chimera’s back as he finishes eating* ~Yes, you are most likely right about that. If it’s alright with you, I shall feed the infant in the ways that I was taught to take care of younglings. It might not necessarily be the way that you’ll enjoy though.~

Xelong: ~Dragons do everything better than humans do, Zack. You should know that full well by now.~ *reaches up to grab several fruits from the table. His hands will most likely bump into Seph’s as he goes about his thievery* ~I’d really like to make Holly happy. She has a really nice set of teeth and it’s fun to see her display them.~