Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Kat Aclysm

Meirnden: *makes a happy laughing noise because she thinks Xelong is being funny by not being able to stand up*

Zack: *sets the medicine box on the floor next to Aeris and stands up again as he hears the thumping noise and Mei’s laughter* Xelong? Where are you? *moves over to the lounge and stares down at the boy, blinking* Xel? *quickly scans him, then looks rather surprised* Holy crap, Xelong. Why did you do that? *crouches down beside him and tries to help ease him up onto the lounge* Can you change back? Do you want some clothes?

Sephiroth: Oh calm down, we’re not even anywhere near them yet. They can’t hear me, they don’t even know I’m here yet. What do you want me to call you in front of them?