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Kat Aclysm

Holly: *continues inspecting Zack’s hair as Xelong hops down off the bed* No, I don’t see any bumps or scuffs. Are you sure you’re not mistaken, Zack? *frowns*

Zack: *covers his pocket with a hand as Xelong gets his nose near it* *”Get outta there you!”* Yeah, that’s how long I was gone, I’m not mistaken. *”Hey Xel, can you do me a favor? Go upstairs and ask mom if she can do a little job for me. Unless you’re the one who wants to kill the pimp. We can do it later this evening.”*

Sephiroth: Yes, that’s one of the reasons I don’t like it. I also don’t like how if feels. It makes me itchy. *lies down beside her, more interested in her prescence than the television* Quality time doesn’t have to be filled with conversation.