Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Kat Aclysm

She’d be able to see ahead if she moved the bridge of her nose down, like a wolf does when it’s hunting. But if the head is up and straight normally, they can’t see forward nearly as well. I should draw up something that would be easier to understand, its clear in my mind.

SHe could see forward, but not with the head relaxed out on the bed.

I wonder if I made sense….

Sephiroth: *purrs, feeling the warmth of Jenna’s hands radiating through his skin* Most of our children are very active when they are young. Then they lose interest and sit in front of the television.

Aeris: *raises her head up to lap up the water, slopping it over her muzzle and onto the bed in the process. She laps up with effort, due to the fact she is very thirsty*