Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Jenna: *rolls her eyes* ~I meant the extra time you take on cleansing yourself. You do it in a tedious manner as if you’d miss a single nanometer of dirt specks on your body if you don’t.~ *grabs Orion’s underwear and begins trying to slip them onto the boy as well. If needed, she’ll lift the boy up before putting the lower half of his clothing on*

Xelong: ~No, you need to stay indoors for a bit, Aeris. You just had surgery and you need to rest.~ *frowns at her* ~You’re missing an eye..~ *directs his speach to Holly* ~Oh, it’s not mean. He’s been delaying for too long. He needs to buy this one thing. You’ll like it, I know it.~