Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Jenna: *sighs at Sephiroth and shakes her head* Yes, but I don’t want you to be disabled down there either… *Frowns, thinking that she’ll just abort them before Sephiroth knows about it or make it look like an accident. Sephiroth may be able to pick up on some of her thoughts if he were to pay attention to the bond. She examines Orion, determining that he must be clean enough by now and sets him down* Behave. *moves to snuggle up against Seph’s side* So, are you going to clean me next?

Xelong: ~I hear that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, Zack. So, I doubt that materia would be all that good of an engagement ring. Anyway, it’s a bit large..~ *begins to trot outside* ~Anyway, I think it’d mean more if you got her a ring with your own money and not as a hand-me-down from Jenna.~