Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *takes the wristband device from MS* Thank you. *glances at Jenna* I can try to turn on the machine, but it’s stability concerns me. If it shorted and burned out when Zack used it, it will more than likely be a hazard if I turn it on again. Centra knows the co-ordinates it last used, so that is a beginning.

Aeris: *slowly nods her head at Jenna* *”Yes, I want to accompany him, for Xelong’s sake. A peacekeeper would also be a good idea, and save Zack from being beaten when we finally do meet up with him again.”*

Holly: If you want to try peppermint later, I’ll find some oil in the food cupboards and make you some hot peppermint tea. I’m surprised Zack never gave you any. Has he let you try many things, or has he just been feeding you foods that are healthy for you? I can’t imagine that a dragon would normally eat peppermint.