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Xelong: *nods at Holly and gives her a small, faked grin* ~Yes, you’re right. He tinkers all the time. He almost got himself blinded completely once…~ *Frowns once more* ~He gets himself into trouble with all of his tinkering.. He shouldn’t have tinkered while you were still recovering and he had a young daughter.~ *glances back at Mei and wags his tail slightly to entertain her*

Centra: If there is anything else I can do to assist you, do not delay. For now, I have no other data that can assist you. Best of luck, Sephiroth.

Seres: Because, they provide my clothing, silly. Don’t you think that provided clothing implies that I’ll be receiving a uniform. *tilts her head as she notices the feathers then the torn pillow* My, your horns must have grown quite a bit. *waves her over* Come here, sister.