Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Kat Aclysm

Ramiel: *mutters, although placidated as Jennah messes up his hair* I’m still not a child… the training, make me do it again, I’ll do it better next time. I’m more independant than any average human youth at my age. I’ll prove it to you. *scowls*

Seph: *drags the fish back onto the beach, dripping wet with seawater* *”Why is now such a bad time to be talking about this? Why does it have to be when I find this woman?”* *carries the fish back with him, intending to head back to the house now* *”And yeah, I’ve seen their relationship, but that’s not me, is it? You’re my mother. It almost seems like incest.”*