Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Jennah: *yelps and leaps over to grasp onto Ramiel’s hand before he moves even further away* Ramiel, no, don’t go. I’m sorry, but I’m trying to understand what is happening to you, my son. I don’t like the fact that you are in pain, and you should know that. *slowly shakes her head* Please, don’t run off. You’ll kill me with worry if you do such.

Jenna: *lowers her head then softly whispers to Sephiroth* Please, use your nueral implants to access Centra’s databanks and pull up information on nuclear power. Take notice of these subjects, nuclear meltdowns, Chernobyl, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki. *closes her eyes* I’m too tired to explain to you all the dangers of that technology.