Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: I’m not complaining about it, it is just idle observation. *quickly reaches forwards to catch Chimera, holding him securely so he doesn’t fall. He then picks him up and sets him down on the bed* Or would you prefer I not speak of it?

Seph: *snorts in frustration* Very well, and acknowledged mother. Now, Ramiel is asleep, so I am going outside anyway. If he wakes up, tell me, I’ll come back for him. Until then, I want to be outside. *gets to his feet and heads for the door*

Holly: It’s boring but it’s worth it, trust me. If you can get smart, you can do lots of great things. You don’t want to end up thinking you can’t do anything and end up as hopeless as I was before I met Zack…