Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Xelong: *leans agasint Holly’s side and hugs her* ‘oll-ee. Zah say I shoul stuh-ee hum-ah sub-hecs. *frowns and shakes his head* ~Do you think I should take his advice? I don’t want to learn things that humans know. It’s not important for me to read and write.~

Jenna: Good. I don’t want to have another fight about my methods of feeding the boy. When it’s your turn, you can use a food processor and other human tools as much as you want. *glances down at Chimera* Well, you finally have proof that the boy doesn’t sleep all the time.

Chimera: *tries to jump up a bit so he can bat at Seph’s bangs. Luckily, his claws are underdeveloped and soft, so he can’t scratch Sephy that well if he misses*

Jennah: *Scowls at Sephiroth* Well, I’ll remove right here and now if you sincerely promise to do as I am asking you to do. If not, then I shall keep my punishment in place for as long as it takes, Seph. *shakes her head at him* I am not going to take your insolence towards my request.