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Kat Aclysm

Zack: *”Ah Xel… learn what you want to. I’m just saying that if you find something interesting, learn as much as you can. You might not like learning to read and write, but they form the basis of our language and you’ll need them later. Then you can learn anything you desire. I know I’d help you find what you want as much as I can.”*

Sephiroth: I didn’t say it was a problem. I am not disputing what you have chosen to do. I merely suggested a more convenient way to do it, nothing mere. *smirks at Chimera’s attempts to bat his hair*

Seph: *growls as he’s forced back into the room. He pulls against the proximity spell and hisses as he twangs its end, then sits down on the bed* How long is this going to stay on for? What happens if one of us wants to do something else?