Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Kat Aclysm

Zack: *slowly nods his head* *”Well… whatever you decide is up to you. I’m not going to object to your decision either way. Though if you decided to be a person for extended periods of time, mother or father may ask you to participate in the same lessons that their other children are doing.”*

Sephiroth: *smirks slightly in amusement and pats the soft area between Chimera’s wings* So did you end up deciding to feed him that chewed up meat?

Seph: *scowls back at Jennah in a defiant manner* Do I have to? He has ruined kills and hunts in the past with his loudness. He is unskilled and untrained and downright bad at hunting. I do not like it much. To have him come with me on hunts? I may as well yell at my prey and throw rocks at them, it would acheive the same thing if Ram were to come along.