Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s Current story –

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Chimera: *slowly opens his eyes as Seph picks him up. It takes him a few moments to focus on Seph, but once he recognizes his father, he begins to loudly purr and shuffles closer to his abdomen, nearly crawling. Once there, he presses his head against Seph’s chest and chirps, wanting to be pat and have attention*

Jenna: Yes, he does more than sleep, Seph. It’s just he sleeps quite a bit. You should know well enough that the boy eats and plays around from time to time. *indifferently shrugs* I guess he just has more fun in his dreams. It’s not like most infants are up and aware all the time.

Xelong: *looks up and thinks for a moment then looks at Zack* ~For when I am outside, yes. But being a human is much easier for when I am inside with you humans. This house isn’t made for dragons.~

Jennah: *deeply frowns at Seph’s protests and gives him a poignant glare* No, Seph. He needs someone to work with to show him how to get better. So, you are the one who needs to teach him. I am not going to let you slip out of this task.