Tag Archives: video games

It’s been much too long

Sorry to anyone who might actually look at this blog, I’ve been a horrible person this past year and been busy with life in one way or another. So, I’ve not had a good chance to post here for a while. If you’re interested, I’ve been playing a lot of MH 4, which entertained me quite a bit for a good long time. In fact, MH 4 still entertains me, for it is a great game. However, I also have a bunch of other games that I want to play for a bit, so I’m working on them for the moment.

Also, these past few months have been filled with a choice to try to take some courses and improve my education. I’ve found that the local community college offers courses in Japanese, so I’ve been indulging myself in those courses. I have every intention of taking each of the courses they offer in the language so that I can come closer to being able to properly understand it. Some people may have noticed that I made very simple sentences in Hiragana on Twitter. Unfortunately, I do not know enough to go much farther than the simple sentences, but there will come a day in which I might be able to listen to raw Japanese without subtitles.

Anyway, as for the reason that I am making this post, I’ve been busy producing livestreams, and I hadn’t put them up on this blog! So, please feel free to check out the recordings after the break.

Continue reading It’s been much too long

Of hammer lessons and cursed quests

The last two nights have been very, very interesting. Extremely interesting. Unusually interesting. For usually nothing of interest occurs during working days for me. Usually…

However, this week has been very different. Different in ways that make me just doubt the right of things to work in a way that… Ok, nah, I’m making stuff up now. Heh, but the streams I’ve had the last two nights have been very fun. So, check them out after the “more”!

But first, I interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to put up this one big statement: I want this to happen and come to the US! Interruption over. Carry on.

Continue reading Of hammer lessons and cursed quests

I need to bar myself from reading on the weekends

For when I find a good story, I will spend the entire day reading it, even reading until 4 am in the morning. Then again, staying up until 4 am on a Saturday is no problem for me. I can easily sleep until noon on Sundays.

I’ll be honest, that’s where most of my missed Saturday streams come from. I just get into good stories and don’t want to put them down. I’m so bad with that sometimes.

Anyway, I may have missed my Saturday stream this weekend; however, I made it up by having a blast on two impromptu Sunday streams. I also amazingly managed to get some rare items that have been eluding me for some time now on Sunday. It was a very productive stream.

As per usual, I’m sticking a jump here before embedding my streams. So, feel free to press the more link and check them out!

Continue reading I need to bar myself from reading on the weekends

Seferia adds breaking Niric’s internet to her tally

My ability to break things that I’m associated with continues in multiple ways. I just seem to be capable of making things glitch on people by being around now too. Inanimate objects just simply do not like me. That must be it.

Anyway, all joking aside, last night, I got the pleasure to join Niric on his Monster Hunter stream. It was a complete blast hunting with both Niric and Ivy. Both are fun in unique ways.

Anyway, I nabbed the embed link for Niric’s recording of the stream, so feel free to watch the hijinks then witness the stream freak out as time goes by. It may have been possessed.

Watch live video from niric on TwitchTV

Thanks for having me on your stream, Niric. Oh, I do hope that Ivy eventually did wake up, too.

Also, once more, bitches love cannons.

I know this is late

Sorry once again for being so erratic when it comes to blogging.  It’s the busy season at my work, and I’m getting new tasks handed to me now that our management is reorganized.  So, it’s becoming rare to have a calm, lucid moment for me to gather my thoughts with.  However, there’s been plenty of quick breather moments, hence my activity in twitter.  I’ll try to get better at blogging, not that I need to please anyone aside from myself.

Anyway, I have a number of streams to present from this past week and weekend.  So, feel free to check them out after the skip.

Continue reading I know this is late

Seferia breaks games chronicles

I’m quickly throwing this up before I forget to post it again.

Anyway, sadly, I wasn’t recording when this occurred, so all I have are a few screenshots of the bizzareness that I stumbled across while I was playing SWTOR with Xane. It seems that I can make entire rooms in a MMO just vanish and not load. Who knew… Oh wait, Zero probably already had money down on that one.

Anyway, enjoy the photographic proof.












Another weekend full of streams

Seems like both the Star Wars Fridays and the Ultimaturdays are going strong. So far, I have not had a reason to miss either dose of streaming. Though, both need some work, that’s for sure.

Anyway, if you missed my streams from the weekend and want to check them out, feel free to press the more button below.

But first, a little preview of the chaos to come:

Don't Run With Maps

Yep, that did happen.

Also, thank you, Moropa, for the image.

Continue reading Another weekend full of streams

Missed the chance to see the Girls’ Party?

Well, Seferia is here once more to do her normal post-stream report.  So fear not, the party shall be seen no matter what time you desire to see it.

As I had previously posted, I had taken over hosting duties for Girl’s Night Out at Seraphie’s request.  I really do hope that I don’t let her down on that regard.  As far as hosting goes, I have no issues with that.  I just did not have the outpouring of gals popping up that Seraphie had managed the other nights.  So, we’ll see what happens with that.

Anyway, want to watch carnage and destruction?  For there are plenty of deaths, most notably mine!

Continue reading Missed the chance to see the Girls’ Party?

In preparation for another Girl’s Night Out

Girl's Night Out

Well, it’s Wednesday and the girl’s are preparing to have another wild night in the world of Monster Hunting. Unfortunately, tonight marks the start of a change in the format to the Girl’s Night Out crew. Due to personal reasons, Seraphie felt the need to step down and take care of her family first over hosting the GNO. So, instead of being the supportive host, I’m stepping up to be the main host of the foray.

Please do note that I always supported Seraphie in her creation. I never looked for a chance to overthrow her and wanted her to be in the spotlight. However, I also want her vision to live on. So, when she asked for help, I was glad to offer the help. Also, if she ever manages to find the time to host GNO again, I will gladly hand the reigns back over to her.

Anyway, I have a schedule that permits me to be very flexible with my start times. However, there was no strong call to start earlier. So, I’m keeping to Seraphie’s start time of 7PM PST/10PM EST. If in the future, I find that there are more that want to join that can’t make that start, I will adjust my start time as needed.

I also will admit that my streams have always been laid back and never had much of a format. We simply started playing and let people converse with us in the chat. So, I hope that I will manage as well as Seraphie did in providing introductions and all of that.

One last thing, I will be streaming on club1kJho’s Twitch channel for the event. I don’t think my connection would survive if I attempted to stream to both my account and 1kJho’s at the same time. So, GNO will be exclusive to 1kJho.

Thanks all for the support. Also, Seraphie, as I said, you will forever be our executive producer. If there is any direction that she wants the show to go in, I will always comply with her wishes.